Should you do a masters or a PhD?

Should you do a masters or a PHD?

Maybe or maybe not will be our answer if you possess below qualification s.After a certain degree of a subject you may be thinking should I learnt in academic or industry. This is very critical to think.

If you are gong for maters you have to invest 1 -2 years of you r time full or part time depending upon your region. By doing master you should be able to understand which field you want know more about and get some deep than bachelor.

Some masters consist of just course work or meanwhile others focus on course work+ research. This will help you in many ways like

1. Salary increment

2. Being specialist

3 a path to PhD

Disadvantages of a master;

1. You will have to spend two full years of time while others enhance entire knowledge from industry

2. You will spend some time in academia

3. You will lose the touch with the industry

4. Some companies don’t prefer higher education qualification s fearing they might enter MPhil or PhD level leaving the company


Philosophy of Doctorate in long form it is considered one of the greatest education achievements in mankind. Only few succeed in completing PhDs ad defending the thesis. You may find you professor or lecturers name end Dr (not the doctor in hospital) which is given as a honorary position.

1. You should be able to commit 3- 5 years

2. This is not like bachelor or master, you are alone

3. You may not know what you are searching for

4. Failed experiments repeatedly

5. No funds, supervision can’t be guaranteed

6. You will have more opportunities n academia rather than the industry (even the academia is competitive)

7. If you are lucky you will get a stipend so that you won’t need to go for a job.

8. Not everyone can be laser focused in one thing and follow it consistently.With grants from government, private sector and public funds many academics open PhD positions.

But don’t forget we are not discouraging you to not to make it happen. Learning and expanding the knowledge gap for the mankind is greater good. We wish all you who decided to make it happen best of luck.

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