The Zero Thing

What to do if a running motorcycle suddenly stops in the middle of the road?

What to do if a running motorcycle suddenly stops (in the middle of the road)?

1️⃣ Check if there is fuel in the motorcycle. If there is fuel.

2️⃣ Check if the plug is getting electricity. (Remove the plug top from the plug wire and place it 1cm away from the engine and start the engine by kicking or starting the motor)

A. If the plug is getting electricity,a. Fuel is not getting to the carburetor. 🤔(Remove the fuel pipe from the carburetor and unscrew the cap of the gasoline tank and blow until air enters the tank. If fuel is then getting electricity, there is a blockage in the gasoline tank or a blockage in the tank’s internal filter.)

B. The plug is not firing.🤔 [A motorcycle must have a tool kit. There is a 10mm open spanner, little size spanner, plier, philip screw drive, flat screw drive, 16mm or 18mm plug box and some plugs]c. Jet blockage due to debris in the carburetor. The HT wire that carries electricity from the ignition coil may be faulty.

3️⃣ No electricity coming to the plug, 🤔

A. The ignition coil wire is loose, broken/ ignition coil is burnt/ HT wire is short circuited (this increases the impedance of the plug top and plug.)

B. If it is a bike with 4pin ac ignition

a. Ignition switch or ignition wire clip.

b. Wire clip coming from the coil bed.

c. The cdi unit.

C. If it is a bike with 4 pin or 2pin DC ignition

a. Ignition switch.

b.Run on/off switch,

c.No power to the CDI or battery is dead or pulse coil problem or CDI unit.

d. Ignition coil.

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